All posts by hoodad

What we DO for Disabled Vets in their homes…

What We Do…

Let us sweat the Small Stuff!


Broken Doors, Windows, Decking, Patios, Gates & Small sections of Fences

Patch Holes in walls/doors

Hang Pictures, Mirrors and Blinds

Build Wheelchair ramps

Put up Safety Bars

Clean-up Yards

Mow Lawns

Paint Small areas

Replace Filters

Pick-Up Donations




ANYTHING on the Roof

Build Fences

Hang Cabinetry

Replace Concrete



Large Haul-Offs


Helping Veterans Help the Community

We gave Jerry, a 21 year Army vet from Korea, 2 huge bags filled with stuffed animals for the kids at the Sheltering Tree Foundation, this is after we gave him a few last week, when the kids went crazy for them! It’s funny how we just received 10 bags of stuffed animals today. Perfect timing!!!
The Veterans Thrift Store…Helping Veterans help the Community!!

Voted among the Top 3 non-profits by Spokane Valley Chamber

Last year in 2016 Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce voted Free Handyman for Disabled Vets among the top 3 non-profits in Spokane Valley. What an honor! Encouraging us to continue on our mission to assist the local disabled and widowed veterans community.

We are always needing volunteers and donations (monetary, time and items in good condition for the thrift store). All is welcome!

Volunteer application under Volunteer Info above

A Vet helping Vets!

We have donated a 1993 Impala to help Brandon, an Army veteran and his mother who was the first female in the Air Force here!! Brandon has recently been volunteering with us as a handyman for projects for It’s people like Brandon who help us accomplish what we do!

Thank you Brandon and your mom, both, for serving both actively and in the community!

A Vet and His Pets – What happened to this desperate warrior?

His prayers were answered!

It was a desperate cry for help for a Vet and his beloved dogs.

This adventure started out with a nurse calling us to help with putting an AC in the wall for her and some other minor work. She works at a nursing home and has a patient who’s  husband is an 84 yr old vet alone with his dogs. We went out to check up on him for his wife. The things we saw we couldn’t believe. He was having difficulty taking care of himself and the dogs. When our crew went out we found rooms full of discarded items, inches of feces that’s built up, sink stopped up and over flowing. This was going to be a challenge. We were up for it though! Nothing is going to stop us from helping our vets. The next day we sent our crew out to tear out the carpet and start the clean up so we could better evaluate the situation.


It was inevitable that we needed to call for additional resources. We were able to locate our Vets son. After 4 yrs of disconnect, we brought our vet and his son back together. His son helped with clearing the house. Our staff took care of the puppies that were in desperate need of some TLC.

BearJasmin and Imp jasmin and imp2

Our staff went to work to make sure these beautiful babies were able to get what they needed. We found a groomer  that offered her services to give these puppies, Bear, Jasmine, and Imp the TLC they needed. After a day at the spa getting all the matting out of their hair, a good trim, and a desperately needed bath and flea dip, we finally had 3 very happy and beautiful puppies. Aren’t they beautiful they have been bathed and groomed and the are very happy and spunky and they will steal the pepperoni off of your pizza, lol. These babies are now ready to go with their owner and his son to the Seattle area. His son has 4 of his own and they are spoiled.
We will miss them with all of our fiber but the pups have been with their veteran 12,10 and 5 years, what a bond. We would like to give a shout out to Tami Richardson, owner of Debbies Dog Grooming at 9418 E. First Ave. Spokane Valley, WA (509)924-3467 for offering here services of an emergency spa day. Obviously she did an amazing job. The dogs feel like new with their new doo.

bear2 Imp and Jasmine3 bear imp jasmine

Finally after a week of hard work getting the house cleared, puppies getting the help they need, we finally come to our bittersweet ending. We met up with our Vet and his son. In the middle of a  heavy downpour of rain and hail, a tornado not far away, we reunited our vet with his puppies. There wasn’t a dry eye (or body) around! Look at those happy faces!

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Photos – Free Handyman Team

Our Team Preparing for the open house to honor Veterans who served our country.

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