With great pride I would like to thank the following donors that made our Open House and Flag presentation a success.
Ameristar Meats…Veterans Outreach…Starbucks…Freedom Flags…Green Space Recycling…Overstock Builders Depot…Sherwin Williams Paint…Eggers Meat…Sonnenbergs Meat Market…URM Cash And Carry…Rosauers…Peters Hardware…Albertsons, on Trent and Albertsons on Sprague…Jen “The Fruit Girl”…Spokane Valley Partners…Cora Yount and Ken…Longhorn BBQ…Pacific PAK Ice…Core Mark thanks for the candy, hats and much more…Little Ceasars…Pipeline Pizza…(Pizzas for the hungry volunteers and staff thanks) Greenburo…National Color Graphics (Cards in Seconds, lol)
Precision Fiberglass, we have a bear to raffle off, …Dinise Rosen…The Home Depot…WWW.Nitrohealth.com...American On-Site Services…Benewah Ace Hardware…The Grounds Guy…Great Floors…JustUs Bag…Idaho Joint Military Programs, Cassandra Rzepa…Shriners…Boy Scouts…Roger High School ROTC…American Legion, District 8 Color Guard…The Kenny Walker Band….Our Family, who believe in our mission and trust that our community will join with us to make our Mission and Vision a realty for the men and women who served so we could be free. My apologize if I missed anyone. It is not with intention
feel free to leave a comment and we will take care of it.
With pride we salute you and thank you for making a difference! Hug A Vet, because you can! PS Thanks Tom for the Salmon it was a huge hit.
Monthly Archives: June 2016
Photos from our Grand Opening!
June 4, 2016, What a day. We honored many of our veterans our oldest was 96 years old and not far behind him a youngster at 92 years old. We presented flags to 3 eras of Veterans that day, WWII , Vietnam, and Afghanistan. Our young honoree said that he wasn’t excepting this flag for himself, but for his friends who didn’t make it back. A daughter who wanted to honor her father who served under General Patton, was very emotional. Then we had a mother who was presented to her, by her son his mission flag , and the mother honored our non profit with the care of the flag which flies over our heads today. There are so many to thank and pay tribute we will be posting more each day. Please check back soon as we have pages of donors of our community who made this possible. God Bless and Hug a Vet.
Photos – Free Handyman Team
Our Team Preparing for the open house to honor Veterans who served our country.
A Big Thanks to Papé Material Handling!

Combat Vet Riders – Supporting our Veterans
Getting Ready for our Grand Opening! (Many more post to follow)
We would like to thank Todd Lutz from Alpine Bark Blowing for donating landscaping materials for our preparation of our Grand Opening on Saturday June 4th 2016.
We couldn’t have done it without your help Todd!